F*cking pieces of trash need to be put behind a barn and shot. Some of the savages were involved in other crimes too. There's nothing that can be reasoned to justify this brutal attack. Absolutely ...
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Aren't we all lucky that body cams exist. What was one pig's excuse? "Just following orders" 🙄
Comments and Video: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/11kdj05/officer_thinks_she_had_turned_of...
Hue hue hue. Have fun with this one:
Remember, no racism.
About two weeks after the end of World War II in Euro...
What really needs to happen is a federal grand jury investigation into his ploy that included Illegal Coercion and interstate transportation of Migrants.
Weird zero calorie garbage stories. It makes sense why they would want to quell anger at them.
Article: https://radleybalko.substack.com/p/for-police-pr-flaks-quack-lives-matter
I found 30 — yes 30 —...
Why is this dumb fck still employed in capacity?
After this incident, he "mistakenly" takes home blood evidence. Do officers typically take home blood evidence? Gotta wonder how many cases this...
You'd think with a long rap sheet that this cop has that'd he'd be fired. Hah, think again. The video does a good job explaining everything.
What keeps cops like this employed if not for the shittie...
This was just plain old abuse by police. These piggies made fun of her and desired to take her to jail talking about it's the "lord's day" and they want to do something else.
Twitter short video: ht...
Fools. Got to wonder how many of those shots hit houses, businesses, parked cars and etc.
Comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/11a2g3d/to_turn_the_city_of_buffalo_into_...
Ah yes, the notorious jaywalking in a residential area where there are hardly cars. The clear and present danger that arose from successful jaywalkers was so high that ATF agents felt compelled to ...
This piece of shit went on John Stewart's show to argue that the investigation was a product of the culture and how he is just a victim of it. Oh, how it falls apart when he got out of office.
This ...
This cop was AFRAID that Ward was trying to grab at his officer issued gun. Only problem with that is that there was too much distance for that to happen before attempting to YANK him out of the ca...
The driver is responsible for their car and what goes on in it. They charge drivers for any "illegal" items that may be stored in it regardless of knowledge.
Siding with the passenger here, for...
Conservatards will never learn to stop voting in idiots and that's because they are idiots. Disaster strikes and they are caught unprepared then hoping their neighbors, who they probably terrorize ...
Didn't expect a history lesson today and not one from someone excited about foraging. Foraging is something I'd do in video games, but if you thought about what a forager would look like in America...
Her mother, of course, is a disgusting enabler. Her daughter lies about their family history and she looks the other way because of the benefits. Their family clearly isn't happy about the lying. T...
A Wendy’s manager in Plainfield, Connecticut was arrested...
The response is to just force him out instead of firing him and filing criminal charges. Aw, you can't ruin that man's career. It doesn't matter if he stole money, it's just MONEY! Who foots the bi...
This clearly is a case of trying to get free work from someone she believed to be of a lower caste than her dumb racist ass. After all the racist bullshit she said and the contractor ignoring her r...
In another case of Blackphobia in Modern Times.
A woman in Oregon was awarded $1 million in damages this week after a jury found that she was discriminated against when a gas station attendant tol...
Article: https://reason.com/2023/01/30/dunkin-donuts-parents-arrested-kids-cops-freedom/
"I have never felt threatened by a single person in this town until meeting those officers and the social wor...
Cops have their own laws. There's just no way a civilian wouldn't be arrested for "training" their dog this way. We all know it's copganda when they say this is training. Abuse like this doesn't wo...
They were fired for unlawful actions and policy violations more than whatever led to the arrest of the man. Fast firings, but is that because it wasn't a white on black situation? 🧐
Article: https:/...
Imagine being told “You are stopping too many Russian and Chinese”. How do you feel about that? Do you just stop doing it or do you take it as a joke and keep on stopping them. What if you believed...