- Overreach
Article: https://reason.com/2023/01/30/dunkin-donuts-parents-arrested-kids-cops-freedom/
"I have never felt threatened by a single person in this town until meeting those officers and the social worker."
The feeling of every white parent when they interact with police and government workers who view them negatively. For once, now they know how it feels to be threatened via the government. 😳
It was Super Bowl Sunday in February 2019. Cynthia Rivers and her husband decided that their kids, ages seven and nine, deserved a long-promised treat for cleaning their rooms: the right to walk to Dunkin' Donuts by themselves. (Reason has changed her name to protect the family's anonymity.)
The donut shop in question wasn't too long of a walk, but a cop spotted the two kids walking along their merry way and decided to stop them.
"They told us that it wasn't safe for kids to walk down the street, that there are registered sex offenders all over town that could take them, that drug dealers were going to give them drugs, and that it was 'a different world now,'"
What's this "different world" the police speak of? The world of falling crime rates? The world where CT doesn't have as much crime as a red state? Registered sex offenders in the vicinity?! E GAD! There's never ever been sex offenders in the history of humankind ever! Until now! Anyway, what's really changed in the US specifically are laws surrounding children. Overly restrictive laws have heightened the senses of cops which were enacted on the throes of "THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN" bs.
Let's think about the children. How are children going to grow up if they have to be near their parents forever. It's almost as if children who grew up with enough means and still living with their parents aren't collateral damage of this. "It's safer and cheaper to be with my parents" is the common utterance. Why venture far from the household when the law wants to keep children in it.
It might be laws enacted because of only female lawmakers since comments from men tend to get pissed off by the lack of independence of a child. Reddit, among many, commenters definitely aren't happy to see when parents get arrested for a simple case that police decide to run away with their imagination.
Had the parents received only a warning, this never would have been a story. To leave these child protection laws unrestricted in their execution is the real issue, the real story.