- Dirty Politician
This piece of shit went on John Stewart's show to argue that the investigation was a product of the culture and how he is just a victim of it. Oh, how it falls apart when he got out of office.
This fool destroyed any integrity he had for politics.
Article, Mark Brnovich sacrificed his integrity for Trump — and got nothing in return: https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/mark-brnovich-sacrificed-integrity-trump-rcna71893
On Nov. 12, 2020, the former federal prosecutor appeared on Fox Business and stated that his office had investigated complaints in connection with Arizona’s election, which had already been called for Joe Biden. “There is no evidence,” Brnovich declared. “There are no facts that would lead anyone to believe that the election results will change.” At the time, The Washington Post noted Brnovich was “the first high-ranking Republican in Arizona to reject the president’s fraud claims in the state.”
Crazy how this man displayed integrity when faced with BS. He had only one job: Be truthful. Instead he over some time, he decided to do this because he had an ambition to become a US Senator.
Brnovich even appeared on Steve Bannon’s podcast where he amplified his misleading claims stating that his investigation had turned up “serious concerns,” adding, “It’s frustrating for all of us, because I think we all know what happened in 2020.” On Bannon’s show, he even falsely claimed that Maricopa County utilized artificial intelligence to verify ballot signatures.
He sold out to nonsense. He sold his soul. He wanted to fan the flames KNOWING that it was all bullshit. He still lost the primary for the Senate seat. What was the point.