We sing along to tunes of paranoia in the land of mass hysteria. It's just a new kind of tension with the normalization of misinformation!
I want to speak to the manager
Karen gonna name drop the chief of police, bang on doors, come in locked and loaded and threaten lawsuits with a self awareness level of 0.
The country is divided
Where's the truth? Everyone's dIsHoNeSt sheep. Magic dirt makes me feel sAfE. Anyone really feel that they are in constant solidarity with people? There's never any disagreement? If you like to live in fantasyland then sure the country is divided. Disagreements are normal. LOL when conservatives can't believe in what their party is about and what their beliefs have warped into, so they believe Liberals will stoop to their level and up as Conservatives to make Dear Leader gRump to look bad. SAD
There's No Racism. Look at the Asians.
Misinformation against blacks and asians as usual. Such people believe muggings and other crime will only happen being around blacks. When's the last time you've heard of blacks leading insurrection or substantial billion dollar embezzlement schemes? Oh right, major events that would upend your lives are caused by your neighbors just like the petty crime that happened to you because wanted what you have. Asians are seen as weak, nerdy, invisible and the model minority. Why? Distracted people are easiest people to rob. In the end, it's historical and political in nature and a bigger topic than it should be.
You swore an oath, honor your oath!
Not before you go to jail because that one cop knows the law better than you!
VoTeR iNtEgRiTy
Wasn't much talk about it before 2020, so what changed? Oh right, gRump lost, so passing commie VoTeR iNtEgRiTy laws was the way to go. Stalin and Castro would be proud.
But her EMAILS!
But his chewing! But his flushin! But his ass wiping! But his raided home! Boo hoo. gRump boi took TOP SECRET documents to his home and wasn't arrested for the highest crime liek everyone else. Corruption at its finest.
They're taking our jobs!!
USA Green cards are notoriously hard to get.Advanced degrees are awarded at a high rate to international students in the US, but they are sent home because you think they are taking your jobs whatever you think they are.Foolishness is good foreign aid if you ask us.
Taxes have been going down, so complaining about it is an admission you are screwed in life.You need zero taxes to take care of a family ? Get a better job and stop making excuses!
Where's the evidence? Lost every lawsuit. Must be real life bots. Do we live in a simulation? You know frauding about fraud is a crime, right? Trump, the grump, lost, you pile of badly informed guillable snowflakes.
Critical Race Theory
Oh so scary, ooogabooga just like its election fraud cousin. Extreme cancel culture born and bred from white conservatard fear and misinformation. A cover up to ban anything deemed not worthy. Don't blame the libs when 1984, Farenheit 451, free speech, GTA 5 and Playstation are banned. And you thought CHYNA was scary and centralized. Educate yourself or stay ignorant, misinformed and taken advantage of forever.
Vax and Mask mandates
STATES RIGHTS! INDIVIDUAL FREEDUMBS! Blah blah, get vax, masx it up and bax to work, you freeloaders. There's no more government funding for your maskless parties and treasonous insurrection. Eat your Magic Dirt and M&M's, yes even the green one.
Vaccines have SiDe EfFeCtS
Imagine being scared of the side effects of the vaccine far more than the deadly side effects of COVID 19. If you want to suffer and have no freedom to smell, breathe or walk then Mother nature will take care of you.Most likely death and we are all okay with that and will laugh at you.
The N - word
The only word in life them wicked white witches desire badly to say to at least one person. Joe Rogan's secret code word to his laptop and underground lab. He might've changed it since the latest hit on him though.
Admit it, you like to believe in nonsense. The kind of lies that lead to a hysterical fantasyland while the truth is for stogey old party poopers. Your neighbor is a vampire sucking blood everytime they shut off the lights what else could the explanation for the noises you hear. See? We get it, you're bored or deluded.
The unexciting boring lives of people who have nothing else better to do than stir up controversy and manufacture fear. In other cases, it's not nonsense. We are here to make you aware of your paranoia and baseless anxiety.
Welcome to the real talk.History rhymes, so learn about it.
You want to fix the country ? Vote with your mind, leave your emotions at home.Otherwise, lose your freedom to those who seek chaos and centralization of power like onJanuary 6, 2021.Bowing to one man will only lead to instability and eventual downspiral into your worst nightmare.No, you will not recover from it, look at Russia who keeps bowing to one man.The world will settle on anothershining starof a country(China?!) and brain drain your country.