Tags :
  • Pigs 🐷🚔🐷
  • Violent
  • Civil Rights Violation
  • Lawsuit Required
  • Needs Follow Up
Reading time: 1 minute
Published: Jul 31, 2024, 11:18 PM
Unhinged Tyrant Pig Monty Goodwin Attacks Father For Walking With Son
Walking out with your child is suspicious enough to land you in their kidnap trap

Perpetrators: Officers Monty Goodwin and Joaquin Montoya

They didn't care for the child's well being at all. No crime, no accusation of a crime, no reason really to even engage him, but escalate it they will because they didn't like his story of walking out with his son. Yeah, talking to police is supposed to somehow exonerate you mmhmm yeah ok sure.

He was well within his rights accused or not to refuse to answer questions given their accusatory attitude. He's not obliged to help in their phantom investigation and whims. That's their problem and sinkhole to jump into. Clearly idiotic and trash training given to these morons. It's one thing to be suspicious about something and another to engage with accusation of being suspicious. The cop had suspicion, but suspicion about what? There was no crime that cop could find to accuse him with. Ah, it was just a prelude to forcibly obtain ID. ID that could not be presented.

Dumb ass local media who can't even be unbiased to report and investigate what happened because clearly this kind of behavior is of public interest. No wonder they keep going down the drain and losing to social media companies. Not being able to report properly on an issue because said government will see you as unkind is the kind of conflict of interest issues that destroy trust in these "media" companies and people turn their interest elsewhere.

The "criminal" was just a father walking with his son in the morning. That was it. The idiot r-tard cop decided to make it more than it was. Suspicion is not a crime. It does not require ID. As always, FUCK THE BLUE LINE PIGS

Update: Monty Goodwin was fired from the force, but no criminal charge -

Update 2: This motherfucker was reinstated - https://www.koco.com/article/watonga-police-department-reinstates-officer-monty-goodwin-use-of-force/63035047