Tags :
  • Crime
  • Hypocrites
  • Pigs 🐷🚔🐷
Reading time: Less than a minute
Published: May 27, 2024, 2:52 PM
Ohio Drunk Pig, Justin Augustine, Crashes Car, Handled with Kid Gloves, Avoids Jail Time
His LT: "You wanna go home then you can go home" After a DUI Crash

Former Drunk Pig (Officer) Justin Augustine was treated like a human unlike all the others. I wonder why? That blue line flag on the computer says it all on how this was going down.

Article: https://www.whio.com/news/local/former-piqua-cop-accused-duty-ovi-crash-avoids-jail-time/FdLM4BrHN09pRIUtQ8f0rK/

A trash cop deserves to be arrested on the spot treated like they would any case and here's a LT whose like 'I'm going to treat this man like family more than human.'

That blue line flag means you, the public, are the enemy while the cops are a whole class above you. Above the law. When they kill, maim or destroy your life, their lives were be spared no matter the circumstances UNLESS there are riots that threaten all levels of power. You will not be listened to. You will not be treated as a human. You will be talked at. You will be compliant. This is the blue line flag for you.