- Racist
- Civil Rights Violation
- Crime
Ain't it odd that so called "Christians", the ones who supposedly believe in Jesus Christ and are representatives of it don't practice what they preach.
Article: https://www.rawstory.com/2018/05/michigan-town-sued-barring-non-christians-living-within-limits/
Hemant Mehta at Patheos' The Friendly Atheist reported that the town of Bay View, Michigan once required all its residents to be both white and Christian, and although they dropped race from their charter in the 1950's, they continue to only allow Christians to live there.
That was back in 2017/18 and they lost that case: https://independentamericancommunities.com/2019/07/12/no-more-religious-discrimination-feds-to-review-bay-views-home-sales-for-5-years/
In 2019, another lawsuit was filed.
Article: https://www.petoskeynews.com/story/news/local/2019/04/23/ew-lawsuit-filed-against-bay-view/44233301/
Now, the plaintiffs — who are collectively known as the Bay View Chautauqua Inclusiveness Group — are pushing their complaints one step further by challenging the new bylaw language. The new lawsuit was filed last week in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan and takes issue with a clause in the bylaws requiring that members “respect the principles of the United Methodist Church,” and support “Christian values and traditions.” It says those requirements still do not pass legal muster because they favor Christian beliefs.