- Violent
- Crime
- Pigs 🐷🚔🐷
- Hypocrites
Dip shits. They thought this was a good idea? Strolling around, firing at people, just hanging out, who could have guns? Who trains these people again? Provoking people is such a good idea if you want to fear for your "LyFe". What order was being maintained by causing disorder? Oh right, they needed to justify their jobs.
What was with the
kicking the guy on the ground after surrender? Yeah, the guy's got a fat
paycheck by the taxpayers now. Supremely good job at that whole show of
force bullshit. Couple of dumbshit cops got a high and paid mega
millions for it out of your pockets. They are lucky he did not fire as
much as they were firing. Barely fired a clip.
Murica's cops, handing out fat paychecks at your expense. You might be next to win that lotto.
continue to laugh at all the cops, nurses and any other servant who
continues to deny the vaccine. Just more of that whole selfish
protecting themselves more than you. Good thing those people are in the