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  • Racist
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Published: May 17, 2024, 9:17 PM
Alabama Ozark Municipal Judge Nicholas Bull Orders Black Man to Apologize to Pig or Go To Jail
Despite no crime nor police caring about the encounter.

Do not apologize for things you don't need to apologize for. As long as king Grump walks this earth and actually speaks words that damage the country, no one wants to hear this crap from any judge about some innocuous words hurting anyone's feelings.

Article: https://www.wtvy.com/2024/04/19/judges-order-man-write-apology-or-face-jail-time-could-lead-lawsuit/

This kind of behavior is the same you encounter from moderators in a chat room or forum where they do arbitrary sh*t and take offense for others. This judge is not a white knight for anyone. Nicolas Bull is quite likely a racist that's why he would order this garbage. 90% sure that he has done this before to blacks more than whites if any towards whites.

Judges like this are not impartial by any means, this man must sue this judge for first amendment violation and damages. King Grump spits on the "justice" system and he is not in jail. He actually inspires death threats and sh*t and this judge is worried about some random encounter where two people disagreed about a traffic infraction. The cop himself agreed that he was in the way.