Attacker: Amanda Martinez
Victim: Cashier who offered a Refund (
Where: Temple, Texas
Always a Karen out there to turn a routine into her mental freakout.
I'm interested in why the guy was just standing there without stopping her from going full blown karen. Ah right, because he is also a piece of shit. He knew what was going to happen. Helped her dumbass escape. Not surprising from conservative white trash farm TexAss.
As long as
the bitch was identified, arrested and shown consequences then the
chances of it happening again go to near zero. Her dumbass will try to
use the mental breakdown excuse white women use to try to lessen the
gravity of her actions. Let me state it here beccause that shit doesn't
work here. You threw hot food at her and caused her physical and mental
trauma and you deserve jail or say even the chair. You aren't right for
this world. Begone scum.