Tags :
  • Crime
  • Pigs 🐷🚔🐷
  • Violent
  • Lawsuit Required
  • Needs Follow Up
  • Sneaky
Reading time: Less than a minute
Published: May 13, 2024, 10:23 PM
Dumb Missouri Pigs Arrest People on Their Property For No Crime
This was supposedly a welfare check that turn into a "domestic disturbance"

Only problem is that the "disturbance" happened after the piggies got there and it wasn't the residents causing it! Piggies get paid to cause "disturbances" where there are none. What was the alternative here? Walk away after learning from the jeep's owner that she left it on? Where was the emergency?

Pigs costing taxpayers money millions after millions for stupid inconsequential sh*t like this. Absolutely no reason why this escalated the way it did. How the hell did the homeowner go from compliant then to the floor after being in handcuffs while off camera. It's easy to say the cops had nothing and needed to force non-compliance to charge someone with something.