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  • Civil Rights Violation
Reading time: 1 minute
Published: May 03, 2024, 10:45 PM
Crazy Sacramento Cops in Unmarked Vehicle Attack Man and Child With No Valid Criminal Basis
Was this a traffic stop or a drug stop? Doesn't matter now. Taxpayers going to pay.

Charges were dropped by the DA once the body cam was reviewed because of their egregious conduct. They didn't even have a good enough reason to stop them in the first place. They acted completely out of line for what is suspected to be a traffic stop. Unless said traffic offense was so egregious, there must be no authority granted to stop cars. No one knows who the f**k you are on the road. There is no "trust but verify" there.

Unmarked vehicles doing routine traffic stops is beyond stupid. Cops are the ones to always bring up "In this day in age blah blah blah". Yes, in this day and age where people can buy the same damn car and put sirens and lights like an unmarked car and rob you of your property, liberty and body.

You can see there how they ripped out the driver and his daughter. Going gung-ho on a passenger who is not in operation of the car? Taxpayers definitely paying for that one. What time was given for the driver himself to comply with said demands, oh right none. Yoink yoink like its some high value stop and they needed to get everyone out as fast as possible. Did they find anything in the car? Nope. What charges for both? Resisting? Is that what we witnessed? There was a lot of undocumented use of force that was very apparent. Why the need to hide these things if they did nothing wrong. One bodycam video was released because they did nothing wrong. MMMhhmm, sounds legit.

Taxpayers wouldn't need to incur the hurt from this if they had just said  "yeah whatever here's your ticket" assuming a traffic stop is what it was.