The criminal charge of "Interference", the common go to when there's nothing else, is still pending against the man. While sure it will be dropped eventually, it's a sh*t stain on the criminal justice system and prosecutors for that matter. What were they protecting the public against here anyway? An old man and woman in a home? Where's the supposed violence and running people over that the cop alleged and why wasn't the BIG BAD OLD MAN charged for that?
He didn't have to produce ID furthermore he produced it. He made clear how he was going to produce his ID but he stated he was not surrendering it to them.
There was no criminal trespass established at the time they requested it. Why should he produce his ID next time even if it were valid next time? Oh right, just follow whatever the corrupt pig says and let him violate you and bloody you regardless of what you are doing.
How do you even investigate a criminal trespass without an owner of the home calling you to trespass someone? Is there some producing of documentation or whatever from a court saying said person is trespassed? Do the cops in that department keep records of this? PIG gets his ID then what? That's it, you are the owner of the home now? Some investigation. All of that just to get an ID for no criminal occurrence.
They investigated themselves and found no wrong doing! Protect the peace by sowing chaos and being the solution! All in a good days work bois!
Easy federal lawsuit assuming qualified immunity is stripped from these chaotic criminals.