Tags :
  • Racist
  • Crime
  • Lawsuit Required
Reading time: 2 minutes
Published: Dec 30, 2023, 10:01 PM
Old White Witches Attack Black Female Amazon Driver
Somehow the driver was a 'thief'. Of course, it's Texas.

It's surprising when old white bats feels so entitled to enforce some imaginary law they made up in their minds. Where the the notion of thief come from? Now how did that enter the conversation?

Article: https://lawandcrime.com/caught-on-video/amazon-delivery-driver-harassed-by-residents-at-posh-apartment-complex-in-allegedly-racially-motivated-incident/

Most people see a delivery driver and let them in to do their work so packages get delivered. Ha, not these residents, these fools. The driver was black meaning she didn't belong there and female, so it was easy to physically attack her. If it were a guy, no assault would have occurred for sure unless she wanted to kiss the ground.

How did this even escalate to that anyway? Oh, the old white bat figured a delivery driver should 'follow the rules' of the building despite explicit instructions by a resident to deliver straight to door. 'Follow the rules' Karen saw the driver would not follow her commands and decided to make a big stink about a whole lot of nothing to the point of assault. It's easy to suspect why she made a huge stink about it. A black girl in her lowly delivery job, as the old white witch has said, not following the rules must be punished by mob effectively. We all know that bs where a dippy makes a commotion which starts bringing in other people, in this area, white people.

The other old white bat decided she would weaponize 'security' to kick out the driver since she did not belong.

Who would be harmed by the delivery driver doing their job? That's right no one. There was no reason to confront or even talk to the driver. If they felt so concerned about the package, call security to handle the package. NO ONE would have been harmed in the deliverance of the package. There was NO REASON at all to physically prevent something from doing their job.

Boohoo, the driver is doing it wrong or whatever. Complete and total utter stupidity rooted from their belittling, of minorities, mindset.

Let the f*cking drivers do their job just like they did, as ESSENTIAL WORKERS, when you were COOPED UP during the pandemic damn rtarded Karens. Ha, essential workers means nothing to fools.