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  • Crime
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Published: Dec 28, 2023, 5:33 PM
13 Year Old Female Drug Dealer Supposedly "Assaulted" by Cop.
She snuck in drugs into the school. Mother is absolutely the reason why.

The drug was alcohol. 🙃 She was charged with multiple crimes of course.

Comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/18speg3/student_assaulted_by_officer_after_refusing_to/

If it were a black kid doing this and acting this way, would the comments section been as compassionate for the plight of the kid? Given there's some instances, hell no and they cheer it on. So what makes this different? She was handled with kid gloves compared to the usual.

Disgusting kid. No way this kid will be doing anything productive in her future. Screwed up too early and spoiled for that matter. Parents are definitely responsible for enabling this one. 🤮