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  • Hypocrites
  • Crime
Reading time: 2 minutes
Published: Dec 26, 2023, 10:30 PM
Louisville Cops Suspended, Fired and Imprisoned for Playing a Game
The game that involves throwing drinks at random people from a moving vehicle.

Who wants to stand up and defend this mighty fine act of law enforcement?

Article: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/12/21/elite-louisville-police-unit-slushygate-video/71998698007/

Cowards using unmarked vehicles to play their game too while recording it all to share with their 'friends' while shouting over the 'regulated' police radio. All paid for by who? Yeah, you.

They were part of one of those 'stop crime by not being in uniform' task forces, VIPER. You've got to wonder if those task forces work at all with the amount of abuse of the public that comes with it. Clear and present evidence that there's not enough crime going on to keep these guys busy.

At first, when you see the video, you got to wonder if that's even a cop, but it becomes evidence that "cops are people too" and they are just one of the "bad apples".

Bad apples they say, but you see these two were jockeying around letting other cops know what they were doing. Where were the "good apples"?

Detective John Benzing, suspended for 15 days, denied knowing about the attacks, despite responding with a laughing emoji to one of the videos in the group text and LMPD's chief saying Benzing's vehicle was captured on camera driving behind a car that was carrying out a Slushygate attack.
Detective Jonathan Robbins, who was initially going to be fired for driving Slushygate attackers until Gwinn-Villaroel reduced his punishment citing his remorse, said Ninth Mobile had “a culture of what happens in the house is addressed in the house and the rest of the department doesn’t need to know our dirty laundry.”
Sgt. Kevin Casper, suspended for 30 days for supervisory failures, was in the group text with subordinates where videos were shared. He denied knowing about the attacks, even though he texted “y’all need to use the slo mo feature” in response to one of the videos.

Yup, the good apples, who participated in the fun by encouraging it. Sounds legit.