Tags :
  • First Amendment Audit
  • Overreach
Reading time: 1 minute
Published: Nov 08, 2023, 4:59 PM
NYC First Amendment Auditor Wins Right To Record In NYC Precincts.
This after two previous arrests of this auditor.

Congrats to the continued assertion of rights. Freedom is scary, so the anxious have to deal with it.

Article: https://hellgatenyc.com/you-can-now-film-in-nypd-precincts-thanks-to-this-youtuber

On Friday, the metaphorical ink was still drying on a federal court order barring the NYPD from illegally telling people they can't film the police in the public parts of precinct stations, when SeanPaul Reyes, who had sued the police department after being arrested for doing just that, marched into the 75th Precinct station house in East New York, recording with his phone in one hand, a copy of the judge's order in the other hand.

Yes, you can film in public.
Yes, people can request for you to stop filming.
Yes, people can request for their image to be blurred or not on video.
NO, they cannot forcibly stop you from recording without it being malicious or illegal.

Cameras are everywhere, big and small brother are watching. Get used to it.

Classic case of overreach by government employees, time and time again.