Tags :
  • Hypocrites
  • Nonsense
Reading time: Less than a minute
Published: Mar 25, 2023, 2:08 PM
Florida Principal Resigns After "Woke" Art Lesson
The nutbags continue their slide into the middle ages.

Boo hoo, sixth graders got a lesson in art history viewing Michaelangelo. The HORROR! THE WOKENESS!

Article: https://news.yahoo.com/principal-resigns-complaints-david-statue-203835514.html

A parent, Karen, complains about a art history lesson and the school administration goes stupid. How long have these art history lessons been part of school again? Oh right. Art history hurts the sensibilities of a parent, so people must lose their jobs over it. Black history hurts the sensibilities of white parents so people must lose their jobs over it. Wait until the "math hurts my child's head" and heads have to roll because of that.

Nut bags.

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