Tags :
  • Civil Rights Violation
  • Racist
  • Pigs 🐷🚔🐷
  • Overreach
  • Violent
Reading time: 2 minutes
Published: Jan 28, 2023, 12:49 PM
The beating was FAR WORSE then you imagined! They had no justifiable reason to stop the man.

They were fired for unlawful actions and policy violations more than whatever led to the arrest of the man. Fast firings, but is that because it wasn't a white on black situation? 🧐

Article: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/5-police-officers-fired-for-excessive-use-of-force-in-arrest-of-memphis-man-who-died

Five Memphis Police Department officers were fired for excessive use of force, failure to intervene and failure to render aid stemming from an arrest during a traffic stop of a man who later died in a hospital, officials said Friday.
Nichols was arrested after officers stopped him for reckless driving, police said. There was a confrontation when officers approached the driver and he ran before he was confronted again by the pursuing officers, who arrested him, authorities said. He complained of shortness of breath and was hospitalized.

Officials said a cause of death has not yet been determined.

Relatives have said the officers who pulled over Nichols were in an unmarked vehicle and that he experienced cardiac arrest and kidney failure from the officers beating him.


Holy shit, the report above was complete COPGANDA. They murdered that man with intent. They were found to have no justifiable basis to have even stopped Tyre Nichols. This was a "special police unit" that was designed to tackle "rising crime". When will AMERICANS learn that these "special police units" are set up to do whatever it takes to inspire terror and subordination in the population. Murderers, rapists and burgulars do not give a fuck about terror or subordination. Tackle ROOT CAUSES and stop monkey patching shit with trash like this.

WTF is this? This looks like a GANG beating. It definitely looks like they had a vendetta against him.

Article: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/memphis-braces-for-release-of-police-video-depicting-vicious-beating-death-of-tyre-nichols

Idiot trolls on social media looking at this as well deserved, "BLUE LIVES MATTER" and "JUST COMPLY". Fuck off with the bs and we hope this happens to you. JUST COMPLY like your gRumpy 45th, you pieces of shit.

Article, 71 Commands in 13 Minutes: Officers Gave Tyre Nichols Impossible Orders: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/29/us/tyre-nichols-video-assault-cops.html