Society feigning their "Women can kill men, but men should kill women" bull shit. Random woman can just smack the life out of you, but "NOOOOOO SHES A WOMAN! you can't hit back!" Cheers to Dana White for defending himself from a physical abuser.
If other men want to live as canonfodder for the stupidity that is no self defense because a "woman" does it, that's their problem. We appreciate people who don't listen to mindless societal garbage especially for bullshit like this.
It's reminiscent of the train incident where a disgusting bitch smacked a man just because she didn't like what he was wearing. In whose fucking authority is it that the gender of a human determines if they are on a pedestal. Too many fucking piece of trash dumb ass men who uphold such stupidity that inject themselves just because a dumb bitch who can't keep her hands to herself couldn't control themselves.
If a woman wants to fight a man, let her. It's her problem. People like that must learn their lesson, clearly.