- Pigs 🐷🚔🐷
- Civil Rights Violation
- Fraud
Article: https://www.propublica.org/article/911-call-analysis-fbi-police-courts
This is one hell of a long article about the constant failings of Tracy Harpster's fraudulent 911 Call Analysis. A fucking lie detector cannot claim 100%, but this guy given the many cases where his "life's work" has failed still claims it is valid. His bullshit is as valid as flipping a coin and you know, flipping a coin prolly does better assuming the coin has all perfect attributes for a coin that generates 50/50 chance of head/tails. It's as good as an animal picking stocks to beat the S&P 500.
Harpster says a woman is GUILTY based on her 911 call, she wasn't charged in the end. You'd think for a second if one gives two shits about his method to catch criminals that he'd feels some sense of shame that his method FAILED. He labeled a woman a criminal based on a 911 call. Another woman, lost her job, savings, home, car and has PTSD. Again, you'd think that a person who gives two shits about the truth would give two shits about the innocents he has put in danger because of his garbage 911 hunch method.
Tracy Harpster is a fraud and you know why? He will not give public interviews to explain his so called method. He hides behind the idea of needing to keep the truth hidden. This is a big RED FLAG for fraud. No one smart enough believes in the idea that you can instantly tell if someone is a criminal based on a telephone call. This is why many cities are going to be paying out settlements when this shit show is done with.
Time and time again, lazy prosecutors and cops are looking for the stupidest ways to convict people of crimes they did not commit just so they can get promoted. Destroying peoples' lives in their pursuit of glory. If your evidence is a 911 call and a few keywords from some fraud then you're flipping a coin and let's be very very honest here in a few short years your name will be tarnished and you will be named in lawsuits. Most of all, the criminal justice system loses more credibility and people use 911 less in fear of being named a criminal. Harpster won't give a shit because like the fraud that he is, he'll move on to his next target. Fraudsters don't care about who they swindled nor who get affected by the results of their fraud. This piece of shit is like the fraudsters who swindle old people out of their savings.
Use your brains and stop using pseudo bullshit methods of the fraudster, Tracy Harpster. Fucking fraud. Fuck you for putting innocent people in prison you massive pile of shit.