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  • Pigs 🐷🚔🐷
  • Violent
  • Civil Rights Violation
Reading time: 2 minutes
Published: Dec 23, 2022, 3:40 PM
Racist Fort Lauderdale Police Arrest Black Clerk after White Guy Attacks Him
Pigs haven't said anything about it since the incident because you know it was a racist cop attack on a victim

Now who in their right mind just stands still while some random white guy attacks you? Right, in the USA, if you are a black man then you are supposed to just take it from some white guy. Another one with charges dropped. Completely moronic that it even gets to that point. Raymond Rachal better sue this dumb fuck police department.

BuT wE aRe NoT rAcIsT!! LiTeRaLlY nOt RaCisT!

Victim: Raymond Rachal

Attackers: Jason Rabe (White guy), Anthony Camodeo (Police Officer)

Article: https://news.yahoo.com/fort-lauderdale-police-arrest-black-013714351.html

Uh huh, cops arrive on scene without any assessment of the situation or to preserve any sense of law and order and instead exacerbate the situation. You see Anthony Camodeo immediately pushing the black clerk after he was just attacked by a white guy. Camodeo reported that a "struggle" ensued and Raymond attacked him, so that's why he arrested him.

A "struggle" is COPGANDA. The only struggle was Raymond defending himself against a crazy rabid fuck. The officers decided to do whatever they wanted after that.

If it were a black woman, you'd think they'd react the same way? Probably if she is freaking out and yelling because ThAt Is DiSoRdErLy. Have you seen the freak outs these cops have when they are on the field not even being attacked or threatened? LOL. It's disorderly when you are black though.

A black girl who was arrested for DiSoRdErLy after some random white guy yelled racial slurs at them from his home. She was freaking out about it and a cop didn't like it and felt she was overreacting. Apparently, she didn't know that she had to just take it from the white dude and say and feel bad about being black.

Must be the new thing, be white, get drunk and that's your get out of jail free card. You wonder why the "Woke" movement exists. It wouldn't need to if the crap wasn't there in the first place. Clean the crap and woke has no more reason to exist until then have fun with wokeness. Keep feeding it.

FUCK THE PIGS! 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷. Do your damn job and cease escalation. When tax money needs to be handed out because of your lack of investigation then pink slips need to be handed out like hot cakes you pieces of shit. Someone is paying for this 1 star shit sandwich service.

We've posted an article suggesting Raymond Rachal request his mugshot be taken down from these mugshot sites: https://www.dasnonsense.com/a/01GFM4DW9SNT8DZN1P44RJVM8S