Right wingers can't win on the truth, so they spread horseshit to smear those who repel their grabs at societal dominance through a far right government.
'Blacks Have Tails'
Article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/interactive/2022/jerry-jones-black-coaches-nfl
... Will McClay can offer an answer. When he was 7, riding his bike near his home in Houston, he was approached by a White girl who asked: “Where’s your tail? My parents said you all had tails.” McClay went to his parents, distraught. ...
When children ask other children if they have tails then you know they've been corrupted for life. Their face when they've found out the lies they've been told by their parents, siblings, friends and teachers. A shock to the system as they try to find out all the other lies and question the point of all of it.
'George Floyd Protests Lasted All Year Long'
White wingers asserting that George Floyd protests, "riots" is intentionally bad information, lasted all summer and to the end of 2021. Yet there's no proof of that. They repeat and repeat and repeat bullshit.
Newsweek Fact checked this garbage claim: https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-ted-cruzs-claim-that-antifa-burnt-us-cities-year-1754884
'George Floyd Protesters got a slap on the wrist'
What's the proof? We see Jan 6th-ers being treated with unprecedented leniency. Which of the GF protesters were allowed to go on their work trips after being turned in?" Which of them got ORGANIC meals in jail?
Horned Man gets ORGANIC meals in jail: https://apnews.com/article/capitol-riot-man-gets-organic-food-jail-198eccc02b8173f4e5071ca342250518
'We treat Black people better', 'gRump brought Racial Harmony'
🤣 Can't help it, but laugh. It's a disgusting fallacious lie.
Hate crime on random black woman: https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/533331-la-police-investigating-black-woman-harassed-by-pro-trump-crowd-as/
Hate crime increase while gRump was President: https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2022/02/14/hate-crime-increase-2021-asian-american-
Three years of elevated hate crime while gRump was president: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fbi-hate-crimes-increase-report-today-2018-11-13/
The Far Right throws Pedophile label like Indiana Jones cracking his whip
What does pedophile mean anymore when far right monsters throw it around meaningless.
Pedophile Pastor: https://www.justice.gov/usao-mdga/pr/former-georgia-pastor-pleads-guilty-sexually-assaulting-ugandan-minor-missionary-trip
Far Right Extremist Pedophile Arrest: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/far-right-extremist-who-planned-to-kill-mp-is-a-paedophile-dbd309rt2
Pedophile Far right congressional candidate arrest: https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/531120-former-virginia-congressional-candidate-arrested-for-kidnapping/
- Spouts must of the same garbage the far right spew out these days "Guns don't kill people, ..." blah blah blah