Tags :
  • Pigs 🐷🚔🐷
  • Civil Rights Violation
  • Racist
  • Needs Follow Up
Reading time: Less than a minute
Published: Nov 02, 2022, 6:43 PM
Louisiana Cops Pepper Spray and Arrest Black Man Who's Car Was HIT from BEHIND
Section 1983 Civil Lawsuit filed because of this FALSE ARREST.

Cops forcibly remove black man who was in a car that was HIT FROM BEHIND by a truck. No CRIME was ever committed. It was a traffic accident.

Great example of PIGS at work.

They tried to charge him with resisting arrest. Arrest for what? LOL. Imagine getting arrested by stupid dumb blue pigs who see the back of your car destroyed. The car was towed off and what do you see? Ransacked car because PIGS don't know how to do their jobs correctly. They didn't find shit to pin on him.