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  • Crime
  • Lawsuit Required
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Published: Oct 22, 2022, 3:55 PM
Rabid Lyft Passenger BITES Driver After Trying to Steal His Phone and Car
Get tested immediately and get non lethals. Cops are shit for closing the case.

This sort of thing may happen 0.1% of the time but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared (unlike anti vaxxers).


NY Cops know what info is collected on ridesharing services and they don’t even bother investigating this case because….? They’re defunded? Budgets have gone up, so what else? Short staffed? Who’s fault is that? BLM? Oh, the case is on the news now so it wasn’t a personnel or budget issue. Ha, just an image issue.

Many have definitely have dealt with NYPD’s jaded attitude with legitimate cases where they feel a case isn’t big enough to bother with. “Bigger fish to fry” as the NYPD would call it.

Fuck the cops, get trained using non lethals and use them to disable these rabid dysfunctional NPCs. Call the cops afterward.