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Reading time: 2 minutes
Published: Oct 22, 2022, 3:52 PM
gRumpy tRump Group Pretending to be Nonpartisan to Attack Electronic Voting Machines.
The America Project funds litigation to overturn the 2020 election

More ammo for Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems lawsuits against snake oil salesmen.

Article: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-election-surveys/

In Virginia, a surveyor told Mecklenburg County’s registrar: “We’re nonpartisan – just to help students and citizens.” In Wisconsin, interviewers identified themselves as “concerned citizens” in Junction City and as “just a couple of girlfriends” in the town of Lanark.

Some surveyors seemed reluctant or unable to provide even basic information. Asked by an election official in Rockingham, Virginia, where their home base was located, one member of the group said he didn’t know. “Richmond comes to mind,” another said.

More garbage MAGA republicans lying about what they are doing when it comes to elections. Just like their fake electors scheme. This highlights the importance of why you need to ask questions of people and not trust them immediately.

Roeske’s support for Oak Creek’s single drop-box seemed to prompt the closing remark on the surveyors’ account of the conversation: “I think she’s a Dem. She was pro-drop box.”

Roeske, an elected official, said she’s neither a Democrat nor a Republican; she’s officially nonpartisan.

gRumpy tRump supporters are full of r-tards. DERRRRR, I think you are a DEM because DROP BOX DERRRRRRRRR!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

The surveyors also made mistakes in its published report of Lehman’s answers. It said, for example, that a sheriff monitored video of the county’s drop box. No sheriff does this, Lehman explained, for a simple reason: “We don’t have any drop boxes.”

This is what happens when you employ low quality fking r-tards who believe anything and everything said on Facebook. 'Oh lookie there another meme haha funny must be true' deerrrrrrr

Roeske got another surprise when she reviewed a summary of her interview posted online by the surveyors: It was riddled with mistakes, potentially fueling the misinformation that many voting administrators are struggling to combat.

Riddled with mistakes because they are uneducated dumb asses who honestly should be executed for spewing garbage. No one will miss them. Sowing the seeds of chaos for what? They won't survive a war. You lost the election. Power has been handed over. gRumpy tRump has acknowledged the election loss. Give the fuck up or die trying.