- Pigs 🐷🚔🐷
- Civil Rights Violation
Image of train right before hitting Cop Car
Cop Cam Video
Stupid pigs. Three officers have no sense in moving a car from tracks where they’ve seen trains move across.
Article: https://lawandcrime.com/crime/police-release-footage-of-train-hitting-patrol-vehicle-that-had-woman-detained-inside/
Article 2: https://www.kake.com/story/47399485/woman-released-from-hospital-after-train-hits-police-cruiser-with-her-inside
Pending Lawsuit Article: https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/woman-train-police-vehicle-lawsuit/73-a98746b2-a406-4334-8431-304fcfa4c525
Her GofundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/yareni-rios-gonzalez-recovering-train-injuries
Yareni Rios-Gonzalez suffered “nine broken ribs, fractured sternum and a broken arm and leg” due to officer incompetence in leaving their cruiser where one would typically get a ticket, summons and towing or a smashed up car and criminal charges obstruction of interstate commerce for one. They are cops so eh do you really expect them to face consequences when it does’t look intentional? Intentional or not is a distraction.
Did officers’ put the individual under their custody? Could said individual reasonably move out of danger’s way? Did officers’ behavior contribute to the subsequent damage of the individual under their custody? Could officer have taken actions to prevent damage to the individual?
Why did the officer leave his car on the tracks? Might be because he thinks he is above the law. Someone like him would blame the train operator for not stopping for an emergency vehicle 😏.
Audit the Audit has an analysis on it out now