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  • Nonsense
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Published: Oct 20, 2022, 3:40 PM
Kanye West Sued For His Nonsense by George Floyd's Family
Kanye picking fights medically and legally established cause of death.

Kanye, in the news... why bother with this malicious moron. He spouts nonsense and why? Because you all grants him attention and the media loves to push out content that people are engaging with.

Article: https://www.tmz.com/2022/10/18/kanye-west-ye-george-floyd-daughter-250-million-lawsuit-sue/

The family's attorneys also say they fired off a cease and desist letter, obtained by TMZ, to Kanye over his comments about Floyd's fatal interaction with Minneapolis police.

The letter reads, in part, "Mr. Floyd’s cause of death is well-settled through evidence presented in courts of law during the criminal and civil trials that were the result of his untimely and horrific death. Nevertheless, you have maliciously made statements that are inaccurate and unfounded, causing damage to Mr. Floyd’s estate and his family."

It's an easy lawsuit. Why anyone would anyone go there to challenge it when you have ZERO stakes in it shows his idiocy. Kim ain't gonna bail him out of this one.

Willie D is correct on this one 😜


"Kanye West's Civil Rights activist mama didn't die because of a botched surgery. I think she committed [suicide] after realizing she had raised a self loathing [coconut]."

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